About Jade Moser

Jade Moser: Jade is a born psychic/medium and with over 25 years of experience has been able to help many, many people. This includes locally, nationally and internationally.
I grew up in Christian-based homes and has a strong connection and love for Jesus, Mary and other Saints and Angels of the Christian faith. I continue to rely on my Christian roots to help others. I believe in the power of prayer and have witnessed many miracles because of my great faith in Those who guide me.
During the early 1990's I was introduced to the sacred Inipi Ceremony, also known as the sweat lodge ceremony. This became my "new home" and I spent many years attending and assisting in the ceremonies. I was devoted to the sacred Sundance. During one of these ceremonies, I was gifted a large Buffalo robe which was a "sign" that I was being prepared to be called to be a prayer woman for "all our relations", (All Of the People). I also spent 4 years doing Vision Quests to help prepare me for the calling that I would be receiving. During one summer of the Sundance I requested and was given my Sacred Native Medicine name by the medicine man Four Winds. I did receive my name and I share it in all sacred ceremonies. A short time later I was invited to carry a People's Pipe. This is a great spiritual responsibility and the Lakota Sioux tribal members who brought the Sundance to Utah offered me this sacred gift. I accepted this with humbleness. This is a very great honor which I take very seriously as the People's Pipe that I carry belongs to the healing of everyone who comes and requests healing.
The Pipe ceremony is my gift and a part of Bella Warriors sacred mission. All who are looking for inner peace and healing will find, in their deepest sense of being, a great desire to come to our Healing Pipe Ceremony which is offered by me, Jade, during the Bella Warrior Retreats.
I am continuously assisting others to be well in body, mind, and spirit. I do this through my wellness coaching, Reiki healing, and spiritual coaching through NLP.
I have always dreamed of owning horses since I was a child and that dream came true. I was able to rescue three wild mustangs with the partnership of a friend. They are kept safe and sound and very happy in Utah. It is my hope that over time I will be able to continue to rescue more horses and provide a ranch sanctuary for them through the Bella Warrior Retreats.